About Coffman's Metals

In 1930, Guy Coffman began buying fur and roots in Nicholas County, West Virginia. Known throughout the state, Guy was among the pioneers known as the old time country fur buyers.

By 1960, the recycling of non-ferrous metals, such as aluminum, copper and brass, was sweeping the country, and Guy decided to climb aboard the bandwagon. Within a few years, he was also purchasing small quantities of iron and steel.
As Guy's grandson, Tony, came of age in the 1970s, he began working for the elder Coffman while attending school. Upon graduation, Tony became a full-time employee, then one year later, became a full partner in the business.
Guy's death in 1987 marked the end of a generation, but he had taught his grandson well. Tony picked up the reins and began a new era for Coffman's Metals. Tony has brought Coffman's Metals to its current reputation as one of the premier recycling centers in the state.
Coffman's Metals is a member of the Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries, Inc. (ISRI), and Tony is a member of the board of directors for the newly formed West Virginia Recycler's Association, Inc.